Not really sure what I want to write about today. There is something that is bothering me but I am not sure what?
I have learned, not very long ago, that life is precious and most importantly, very short! So whenever I get into this state, I try to focus on things that I have in my life and for which I ought to thank God for. I try to remember every little thing that I have and that others do not. The first things I can think of now, is that 1) I am alive, 2) live in peace (as opposed to war, poverty and ...) and one very important thing I have people I can count on and god has never let me down.
Maybe silly, but it really helps me. The only problem is that sometimes, just like this time, I can't recreate that feeling of fulfillment or rather satisfaction. That is the key to moving along and leaving this depressive state. I have to find the right spot where I can be in peace with myself and with my environment.
May you never be in this state ever, I hate it passionately :)