Seems I was not clear … I do blame people (myself too) for what is not working in Morocco.
Looks like, with the upcoming elections, we are going back to our old habits again… the government did not do this, the government did not do that, why would I vote? My voice did not make a difference last time I voted, it won't change anything today. Tell you what, yes it will not change anything, for the simplest reason that you did not vote last time and you are denying yourself that right once again.
I just wanted to share with you- and you can quote me on this, NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT, NOR THE KING WILL CHANGE ANYTHING, we have to claim the change! We Moroccans have to start thinking and acting as citizens. Kick your representatives' butts, make them work … show them that you are no longer a subject but "un citoyens Marocains comme il se doit".
For a long time, we let ourselves be misled; the administration is the servant and not us. Remind the clerk who is giving you an attitude "au service des mines," that he/she was hired to serve you and that if it were not for you she/he would be still waiting at the temps agency… that will hopefully remind them who they are.
Don't give away your voice, VOTE. That is the only way for us to reclaim our BEAUTIFUL country.