L'Etat américain du Dakota du Sud interdit l'avortement
Le gouverneur du Dakota du Sud a signé, lundi 6 mars, l'avant-veille de la Journée internationale de la femme, une loi rendant illégale l'interruption volontaire de grossesse dans tous les cas, sauf quand la vie de la mère est en danger. This article published by Le Monde.FR in 07.03.06, adds that the state has actually forbidden the recourse to abortion even in rape cases and/or incest.
Ok! I don’t know if these people know what they are doing; I am a woman and I have the firm believe that it should be me and only ‘
I’ who should be making this kind of decisions.
What right do they have to force me in keeping a child of someone who raped me? Who are they being fair to, here? Not to me obviously but not to the poor child either. Would you be capable of loving a being that will only remind you of the most degrading experience that a woman can go through?
And what? I don’t even have the right to emergency contraception?
Do they know how it feels looking at a hungry child, when you as a parent do not have the means to provide? Have they ever lived such experience? I don’t think so. Because if they did they would have understood that it is much easier to accept abortion than watch your child die before your eyes while you can’t do anything about it.
They have to realize that most of the homeless people on the streets of the United States today, are in fact the unfortunate result of the human beings lack of common sense; exactly what is happening in the state of Dakota.
I cherish life but not any life; I want my child to have a decent life.
I and only I can make the decision of how and when I want to be a mother, for I am the only one who knows how capable I am to take care of another being. And unless the government is willing to provide for my unborn child, I think that they should leave it to our consideration. And In case they are afraid that they could be punished for not stopping such non-religious act (so they say), I assure them that God almighty can and will punish the sinners.